Why so S.A.D.?

Cold weather and the short days of winter can make anyone feel depressed. The lack of light and color of winter can leave you feeling gloomy, annoyed, or fatigued. If you have these feelings every year, which makes it tough to function in the months of winter, you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder [...]

By Paula Schrad| January 12th, 2016|Categories: Depression|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Why so S.A.D.?

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year… Well, Not for Everyone

It's that special time of year when stores, TV commercials and magazines are filled with images of joy for the season. However, for many people, the holidays aren't always so cheerful. They are constant reminders of others' happy seasons which can be a painful reminder of the lack of happiness and love in one's life. [...]

By Paula Schrad| December 15th, 2015|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Family Issues, Stress|Tags: , , |Comments Off on It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year… Well, Not for Everyone