Relationships can be both one of the most fulfilling parts of our lives and one of the most difficult – sometimes all at the same time.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do “happy” couples ever fight?
  • Do you and your spouse/significant other fight too much?
  • Is there an underlying tension in your relationship because there are so many topics that remain unresolved?
  • Does your relationship feel stuck?

Relationships are complex and challenging, even for the happiest and most content couples. Solid relationships have their ups and downs. It is easy to get stuck in patterns and behaviors that aren’t helpful to the relationship and yet you don’t know how to break free from them. Many couples who find themselves in a rough patch wait until things reach a crisis stage before seeking help.

Often times a third party – someone who is neutral – can offer perspective and insight to help bring about change and growth. Many relationships can grow and become healthy with a safe, compassionate, truthful and skilled counselor to guide them back on track.

Our therapists are passionate about helping clients address relationship challenges in ways that bring about health and growth. Call AFC today to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled, compassionate therapists.

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