Change is an unwelcome but sure thing in our lives.  Change can be forced on us through loss of job or health, or it might arise because we want to change something about our situation. Either way, we often don’t know how to proceed and or cope. 

Faced with pressing concerns such as losing your health, losing your ability to care for yourself, potentially running out of money, or even uncertainty about what path to take in life, we shut down. We can become paralyzed by uncertainty, fear and doubt. Stress and depression are not far behind.

We find ourselves saying the same things that we’ve always said and doing the same things we’ve always done. This can result in mounting frustration. Self-help books offer some guidance. Friends and family may be supportive, but you may find it difficult to confide in them.

Here are some things you can do to help:

1. Take a deep breath. Lots of them.  Give yourself time to think. It’s okay to just sit and stare out the window for a while.

2. Express yourself. Write how you feel in a journal. Cry, shout, and talk about your feelings, your anger, frustration, hurt, regret, and shame, preferably to someone you trust.

3. Gain insight. What can you learn from the experience that led up to this point? Embrace the truths and learn from them.

4. Look forward. Soon the experience will fade as you move into the future. Look forward to where you want to be. Make a decision and then act on it. Be true to yourself.

At times like these, a third party can offer perspective, support, and insight to help you navigate these unfamiliar waters. We can help. Call AFC to make an appointment now and take the first steps to taking back control of your life.