Letting Go of Working Mom Guilt

Are you a mom that feels guilty about working? You're not alone. According to a study, only 10% of mothers working full-time gave themselves the highest rating for their parenting. Working mom guilt can be horrible. So how do you cope? When feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to stop thinking of what you’re missing out on [...]

By Paula Schrad| February 11th, 2016|Categories: Family Issues, Stress|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Letting Go of Working Mom Guilt

Parents and their Stress Management

Being a super parent is important to you. But in addition to being a great parent, you want to be so much more, including excelling at your job; having great relationships; and being an excellent friend and spouse. You also want to have a beautiful, amazing home. That's a lot of pressure -- and stress. [...]

By Paula Schrad| February 4th, 2016|Categories: Family Issues, Stress|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Parents and their Stress Management

What’s Happening to Our Kids?

Childhood innocence is becoming a thing of the past. Children and teens are growing up too fast in today's world. Kids haven't changed, but the world around them has changed. Children now have higher anxiety levels and learning problems caused by the tremendous pressure that is being put on them to think and speak like [...]

By Paula Schrad| January 19th, 2016|Categories: Children, Family Issues, Stress|Tags: , , |Comments Off on What’s Happening to Our Kids?

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year… Well, Not for Everyone

It's that special time of year when stores, TV commercials and magazines are filled with images of joy for the season. However, for many people, the holidays aren't always so cheerful. They are constant reminders of others' happy seasons which can be a painful reminder of the lack of happiness and love in one's life. [...]

By Paula Schrad| December 15th, 2015|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Family Issues, Stress|Tags: , , |Comments Off on It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year… Well, Not for Everyone