Eating Disorder Counseling

Woman looking anxious

Eating disorders are a kind of coping mechanism which help a person to control or deal with difficult emotions, but in an unhealthy way. Eating disorders can effect both male and female children, adolescents, and adults of all backgrounds.

Causes of eating disorders

There is rarely one single cause for developing an eating disorder – it is usually brought on by a number of factors, including:

  • a sense of having little control over ones life
  • a family history of eating disorders, substance abuse or depression
  • the target of criticism for eating habits, weight or body shape
  • being pressured to stay slim
  • certain personality traits, i.e. perfectionist, obsessive, anxious
  • having experienced a trauma or loss such as death of a loved one or sexual abuse
  • difficulty in relationships with friends or family members
  • stress

Getting help

While it may not feel like it at first, telling someone how you feel will help you feel better in the long run. Treatment can be extremely effective, and can help you fully recover from your eating disorder.

Signs of eating disorders

Are you worried that someone you know may have an eating disorder? Look for some of these signs:

  • skipping meals
  • unrealistic perceptions about body weight
  • constantly weighing themselves
  • claims that they have eaten already or will eat later
  • cooking for others, but not eating themselves
  • eating only low-calorie foods
  • uncomfortable eating in public
  • going to the bathroom after eating a large meal
  • using ‘pro-anorexia’ websites.

We specialize in helping people out of the pattern of eating disorders and back into a healthy rhythm.

Take a first step toward being free from eating disorders and meet with one of our therapists. Our eating disorder counseling can help you identify how to move forward with your life. If you are ready, call AFC to schedule an appointment.